Our entire team here at Dr Smile warmly welcome you to our first eNewsletter. With your permission, we would like to communicate with you each month. We feel it’s the perfect way to keep you up to date with everything happening here at Dr Smile, and this month is particularly exciting as we have some important news to announce.

Hammondville is Moving!

Dr Smile is thrilled to announce we are incorporating our Hammondville practice into our much nicer location in Wattle Grove 1.2km away. Wattle Grove is newer and is far better appointed so we can continue providing you with the high-quality service you deserve. Conveniently, Wattle Grove is in a shopping centre so now when you come to see us you can pick up the weekly shop or grab a coffee while you are there. Parking is far easier too. To celebrate our move, we are introducing a No Gap/$99 Examination Scale and Clean. Come and experience our exceptional customer service at Wattle Grove. Although the location may be different, you can still see your favourite dentist, and you’ll also see some new faces as we expand the range of services offered.